Accepting EULA and Privacy Agreements
Accepting EULA and Privacy Agreements
The End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy lets you know what information Wellframe collects from the app and how this data is used. We collect the personal information necessary for patients to use the product and related services, and for product improvement. Wellframe de-identifies and anonymizes data whenever possible to respect individuals’ personal information.
To create your account login, you will need to accept the terms of the End User License Agreement.
Check the box to accept the terms. On the next page, you will be taken to the Wellframe Privacy Policy. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to press “Accept.”
Note: The “Accept” button will not light up for use until you have scrolled through the full Privacy Policy.

Both documents are available for review in the Settings section of the app. You may also reference Wellframe’s End User License Agreement by visiting this article and Privacy Policy by visiting this article.